Sunday, May 30, 2010

Josephine Victoria

I could hear her newborn cry over the telephone, and with tears in my eyes I told my husband and boys good bye and hopped in the car. (okay it's not really hopping these days, more like waddling, and then squeezing in behind the wheel!) Feeling happy and excited, and emotional and anxious at the same time, I prayed as I drove to the hospital. I was glad to find a parking place right away, and took a deep breath as I walked up, passing the Hope angel and memorial garden for Eliana and all the babies in heaven who were born at Mercy, went inside and took the elevator to the mother and baby floor where I knew I would see her in the nursery.

My mom greeted me with a smile as I got off the elevator and my heart felt lighter as we walked together to peer into the window, and I got my first glimpse of my precious little niece Josephine Victoria. She was beautiful like her big sister, with a head full of dark hair like both of her siblings when they were born, and I was instantly in love with her.

After watching her being poked and prodded for a little bit, we took the elevator up a floor to labor and delivery so I could see my sister. This was my first time to venture to either of these places since I was there with Eliana last year. I took deep breaths as we walked past the huge blown up photos of adorable, healthy newborns that line the corridors, and into her birthing suite to congratulate her, and hear all about how the delivery went.

I'm so glad I had the opportunity to do this before I go again to give birth in the next few weeks. It was definitely good to see that everything went fine with her, and just to be able to face being in that environment again in a different situation. Most of all, so good to just hold and love that healthy little baby, and be reminded once again that miracles happen every day.
Just look at this sweet little gift from God!!
Josephine Victoria
7 lb. 5 oz.
May 24th, 2010

It got a little wild and crazy up there when my Mom and I brought my two boys along with my sister's son and daughter. I didn't get a lot of good pics because I was taking photos for my sister with her camera a lot of the time, but did come away with a few. Both of my boys seemed a little hesitant and unsure about the whole thing, but hopefully this will prepare them a little better for when their brother is born!

Although Jayden looks less than thrilled to be holding her, we're all so glad she's here safely and look forward to spending a lot more time getting to know her. Congratulations Shanya and Josh, and big sister Julia and big brother Joven!!!


  1. vous avez une très bonne mine, je suis ok avec vous, s'est bien que vous soyez retourner à l'hopital avant la naissance de votre petit. (je ne sais pas si vous êtes suivie par le même hôpital?). Félicitations aux parents !

  2. Congrats to the new addition to the family!! :)

  3. Vivre la naissance d'un enfant est notre chance la plus accessible de saisir le sens du mot miracle. "Paul CARVEL"
